According to paragraphs 266.8.1 of the TCU in case of transfer of ownership of a taxable object from one owner to another within a calendar
According to paragraphs 266.8.1 of the TCU in case of transfer of ownership of a taxable object from one owner to another within a calendar
The third lecturefrom the series of open lectures and workshops “Science for Sustainable Development” within the framework of the implementation of the Jean Monet Erasmus
The Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education will not publish information about where in Ukraine the testing of the national multi-subject test
In accordance with clause 14 of the Resolution of the CMU dated 18.02.2002 No. 199 “On approval of requirements for the implementation of fiscal functions
Proposals of the Ministry of Economy for 2024, provided to the Ministry of Finance for preliminary calculations: the amount of the minimum wage – UAH
On May 24, 2023, the last virtual “EU-Ukraine best practice towards SDGs progress” were held at the Department of Accounting and Taxation of Sumy State
On May 15-19, 2023, a 5-day training event was successfully completed within the framework of Jean Monnet’s module “EU Experiences for Enhancing Youth Employability through
In the procedure for admission to institutions of higher education in 2023, applicants are not required to submit medical certificates upon admission. At the same
The tasks of the national multi-subject test, which will be offered to test takers on different test days, will not be repeated. This was reported
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