Institutions/enterprises have the right to keep cash received from the bank for payments belonging to the wage fund, as well as pensions, scholarships, dividends (income) in their cash register in excess of the established limit of the cash register within five working days, including the day of receipt of cash in the bank Such a term is established by the Resolution of the Board of the NBU dated 12.29.2017 No. 148.
However, cash for making such payments to employees of remote separate divisions of railway transport enterprises and sea ports may be stored in the cash registers of such institutions/enterprises beyond the established limit of the cash register for ten working days, including the day of receipt of cash in the bank. Cash received in the bank for other payments is issued by the institution/enterprise to its employees on the same day.
Please note that amounts of cash received at the bank and not used as intended within the terms established by the Regulations are returned by the institution/enterprise to the bank no later than the next working day of the bank or may remain in the cash register within the established limit.