Invitation to join the MOOC “Transparency, accountability and sustainable business development on the way to EU integration” as part of the implementation of the Jean Monnet Erasmus+ project

We invite everyone who wishes to join the MOOC “Transparency, accountability and sustainable development of business on the way to EU integration” within the framework of the Jean Monet module project “Transparency. Accountability. Responsibility. Governance. Europe. Trust. Sustainability” financed by the Erasmus+ program (101085395— TARGETS — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH) under the leadership of the lectures of the Department of Accounting and Taxation, Dr. of Sc., associate professor Makarenko Inna, Ph.D., senior lecturer Oleksich Zhanna

The needs of the course are determined by problems raised on the Ukrainian way to EU sustainability integration, strengthened by economic and pandemic recession and political situation. The course plays a crucial role in creating a complex overview of sustainability values, standards, transparency and financing instruments and development of the right skills and motivation in the field of SDGs implementation for students.

Aim: the course is developed to deliver a comprehensive system of knowledge about EU sustainability actions and awareness about its implementation in Ukraine for accelerating progress towards SDGs.

The target group: bachelor students of all economic study programs of SumDU.

Objectives of the course:

– to bring a profound understanding of the main frameworks and legislation standards in EU sustainability system;

– to provide students with current instruments of sustainability financing, transparency and benchmarking;

– to equip students with practical tools of creating sustainability reports, organization of CSR in companies and best cases in SDGs promotion, generating sustainability ideas, financing of environmentally friendly and social projects, independent verification of sustainability information.

Methodology of teaching: the course is operated by the latest methodical tools and practice-oriented techniques.

Teaching methods: interactive lectures; case studies, master-class; game simulation, group work and discussions as well as self presentation and ideas pitching; e-Learning (blended-learning); portfolio method and excursion.

The course is 5 ECTS credits (52 contact hours).

To register, use the link:

We invite everyone to join!

Funded by the European Union.However, the views and opinions expressed are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.