Institution, enterprise, non-bank provider of payment services on the basis of the Regulation on conducting cash transactions in the national currency in Ukraine, approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 148 of 12.29.2017 (hereinafter – Regulation No. 148), and taking into account the specifics of the work, are obliged to develop and to approve the procedure for calculating the cash limit of the institution, enterprise, non-bank provider of payment services and their separate divisions in an internal document.
The calculation takes into account the deadline for the institution, enterprise, non-bank payment service provider to submit cash proceeds (cash) for its crediting to bank accounts, determined by the bank account agreement, and does not take into account cash deposited through payment devices belonging to non-bank payment service providers.
The cash limit of an institution, enterprise, non-bank payment service provider is established based on the calculation of the average daily receipt of cash to the cash register or its average daily withdrawal from the cash register by the decision of the head of the institution, enterprise, non-bank payment service provider or a person authorized by him.
Non-bank providers of payment services, commercial cash acceptance agents who, in addition to cash acceptance operations for the performance of payment transactions, issue cash transfers, set a cash register limit taking into account the specifics of their activities and the mode of operation of such institutions in the amount necessary to ensure timely and in full the amount of fulfillment of obligations for payment of transfer amounts at the first request of the recipient.
The institution, enterprise, non-bank provider of payment services approves the established limit of the cash register with internal documents. For separate subdivisions, the cash register limit is established and brought to their attention by the relevant internal document of the institution, enterprise – legal entity, non-bank provider of payment services.
Institutions/enterprises starting their activities, as well as enterprises whose activities were exclusively related to non-cash payments and which, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine, receive the right to carry out an additional type of activity that involves making cash payments, for the first three months of their of work (from the day of the first cash settlement), the cash register limit is set according to forecast calculations. The limit of the cash register, established taking into account forecast calculations, is reviewed in two weeks after the end of the first three months of their work based on the actual indicators of activity.
At the same time, heads of institutions/enterprises are responsible for complying with the requirements of Regulation No. 148 regarding the establishment of the limit of the cash register and for the reliability of the relevant indicators specified in the calculation of the limit of the cash balance in the cash register.