On the 26th of February 2025 the Auditors’ Chamber of Ukraine held a webinar on “How to choose an auditing firm and effectively cooperate with auditors”. The Department of Accounting and Taxation was represented by PhD, Associate Professor Zhanna Oleksich and PhD, Senior Lecturer Olesia Miroshnychenko.
The speakers of the webinar were: Chairman of the AChU and members of the AChU Council.
The webinar program covered the following blocks:
– regulatory requirements for mandatory audit;
– the role of audit committees in the process of selection and interaction with subjects of audit activity;
– the process of appointing auditors depending on the type of enterprise;
– the contract and conditions of cooperation, which should be paid attention to by the customer;
– regulatory requirements for the audit and audit report;
– organization of effective communication between the audit committee, management staff and the auditor; auditor’s requests and answers to them;
– audit reports: types, purposes, consequences for the customer and the auditor.
Thanks for the invitation and useful information!
Prepared by PhD, Associate Professor Zhanna Oleksich.