Within the framework of the Jean Monnet module ‘EU experience in public debt management: lessons for Ukraine in the wartime and post-war periods’ funded by the Erasmus+ programme (101127602 -EUEPDM -ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH), syllabi for a number of academic disciplines were improved, in particular
‘Accounting (general theory)’;
‘Financial Accounting;
Integrated Specialised Course ‘Accounting’.
The main focus was on adapting teaching materials to current challenges, in particular
- studying European approaches to public debt management;
Integration of practical experience of EU countries into training courses;
taking into account the specifics of Ukraine’s economic recovery in the post-war period.
Main changes in the syllabus
- New sections and topics:
‘Public debt management in economic development policy: examples of the EU and Ukraine’
‘Theoretical and methodological foundations of debt security of the national economy: EU experience’
‘Methodological principles of forming a public debt management plan (as a component of the country’s recovery plan) in the war and post-war periods based on the experience of EU countries’
Practical orientation:
Cases demonstrating successful experience of public administration in times of crisis.
Practical tasks on analysing debt obligations and their classification.
Modern teaching methods:
Use of interactive teaching methods: discussions, master classes, group work.
Application of blended learning.
The updated curricula will allow students to gain a deeper understanding of the role of accounting disciplines in the economic management system, including in crisis situations. This will contribute to the training of highly qualified specialists capable of working effectively in the field of accounting, finance and public administration.
The project is funded by the European Union. The views expressed are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union or the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA).