How to pay sick leave that has not changed the status to “ready to pay”?

According to the FSS, the electronic sick leave has the status “closed” from the day of its creation and changes it to “ready for payment” on the day of issue – i.e. seven days after the closing date for sick leave due to temporary incapacity and seven days after the opening date – for sick leave during pregnancy and childbirth.


However, today we receive requests from employers and employees regarding the lack of change of status – in some places, e-hospitals remain closed despite the expiry of the deadlines.

In this case, you need to focus on the dates – if seven days have passed after the closing date (opening date for maternity leave) specified in the e-hospital record, on the eighth day you can start working with the e-hospital record and submit an application for payment by Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine, even if the status remained “closed”.