On March 21, 2023, the Department of Accounting and Taxation held a forum “Sustainable Decisions for Business according to EU Legislation” within the framework of the Jean Monet module project “Transparency. Accountability. Responsibility. Governance. Europe. Trust. Sustainability” financed by the Erasmus+ program (101085395— TARGETS — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH).
The composition of the project: Dr. of Sc., associate professor Makarenko Inna, Ph.D., associate professor Serpeninova Yuliya, Ph.D., senior lecturer Oleksich Zhanna.
The invited expert was Raman Herasimau, Senior Financial Specialist CFS CoE – Johnson Controls, Bratislava, Slovakia.
At the forum, the issue of normative regulation of reporting on the sustainable development of corporations operating on the territory of the EU was discussed. In particular, Raman Herasimau presented a practical case of the Johnson Controls Corporation, which allowed us to consider the practical aspects of implementing the corporation’s sustainable development policy, reporting standards for sustainable development, promising directions for sustainable business development, etc.