In 2023, graduates of schools of previous years can submit for admission the results of the external independent assessment tests of 2020-2021 or the results of the NMT of 2022.
Certificates of external examination must be from subjects that were provided for by the admission rules of the educational institution in one of these years for the relevant specialty (specialization, subject specialty, competitive proposal) and source of funding, with weighting factors determined by the Admission Procedure.
The list of competitive subjects for which entrants can submit certificates of external independent assessment for 2020-2021 is specified in the admission rules of the educational institution.
The results of the 2020-2021 external examination in Ukrainian language and literature / Ukrainian language, mathematics, history of Ukraine, foreign language, physics, chemistry, biology, at the request of the entrant, may be included instead of the corresponding main subjects of the NMT or the additional block of the NMT 2023, if the difference in the scores of the NMT and the external examination in the relevant subject does not exceed 15 points.