ATTENTION! We invite all willing students to participate in the Jean Monnet International Summer School on the topic “Competences for Successful Employment in EU Companies and Organizations“, which will be held on May 15-19, 2023 in an online format.
The costs of participation in the school will be covered by the project.
The purpose of the Summer School is to improve relevant skills for searching and understanding the employment opportunities and requirements in the EU or companies working under EU standards.
In addition to the main executors of the project, external experts who have worked or are working in the EU, including foreigners, will be invited as speakers to share their invaluable experience. The detailed program of the event will be posted later on the Facebook event of the summer school (, as well as in the News of the website
Language of events: Ukrainian (English – in the case of invited foreign experts).
As a result of participation in the school, participants will receive certificates from Erasmus+ Jean Monet module in 1 ECTS.
We will be glad to see you among the participants of the summer school and are grateful for spreading the invitation.
Registration for participation in the School is open until May 10, 2023 via the link: The questionnaire can be obtained in file format by sending a request to the mail: Detailed information, time and links to participate in the events will be sent to registered participants at the e-mail addresses specified in the registration form.
The summer school is implemented within the framework of the Jean Monet module “EU Experiences for Enhancing Youth Employability through Professional Skills Development”, financed by the Erasmus+ program (ERASMUS – JMO -2021-MODULE -SKILLS4JOB-101047867).
Module lecturers who will be involved in the summer school: associate professors of the Department of Accounting and Taxation Y. Serpeninova and N. Vynnychenko, and associate professors of the Department of International Economic Relations T. Shcherbina and O. Zamora.
We also remind you that the extremely informative online course “Professional skills for the EU market” was created as part of the project, which is always publicly available at the link:
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